Monday, November 20, 2006

The Elixir of Optimism

I am continually stunned by how much frame of mind can impact performance. The more optimistic you are, the more it seems you can do. When you're optimistic you don't feel limited by your own thoughts but are liberated instead.

We, as individuals, teams and organizations, are capable of so much more than we show, mostly because of what we believe about ourselves. Oftentimes we believe the worst in ourselves, our abilities and our situations. When we have a negative perspective on any one area of our lives it can affect the outlook on our entire life.

When we choose to view life as full of possibilities rather than as full of barriers we begin to see what can be rather than what is. It is important not to discount the barriers though, for they are real, rather we should look over the top of the barriers to what can be.

Being optimistic takes effort to be sure but at the end of the day it's the closest thing to a magic elixir that I've ever seen.

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